G'day and Chag Sameach from Down Under!
Tonight I went to a Passover seder at Chabad in Paradise, the local Chabad in Surfers. It was needless to say an epic experience. About a week ago my two friends Marni and Rachel told me about this place and we all agreed we would go together. Completely unsure of how to dress, what to bring, what to wear and what to expect we took the bus to the Chabad and gave it a go. When we were at the bus stop there was another girl, Ashley, with us and this other girl who looked like she was dressed conservatively enough to be going to the same place as us. When we got to the building it turned out she was there too. We were all playing some Jewish geography and the Rabbi came to introduce himself to us. He was wearing a top hat, and sporting a long beard just as I had expected. When we asked where we were from and I replied Boston his response was "I have relatives in (some town) and NATICK"...I nearly fell over. Truly defined for me how small this world actually is! Even better, his relatives live about 3 streets away from me. SO WEIRD! Then there is a group of us sitting playing some more Jewish geography and I met a girl named Dana who is from Ohio and goes to Arizona... well, turns out she is a CHI O! Small world keeps getting smaller, I was SO excited to meet a sorority sister of mine I was almost giddy about it!! She's wicked cool and I am excited we met! There was another girl from UAlbany, and two girls from London and 2 from Illinois and more from Canada. There were Jews from Brazil, and Israel too. Some people were speaking Hebrew to each other and I tried to pick up on what they were saying but I was having a hard time.
Overall there were probably 80-100 people at the seder (largest one I've ever been to!) and the rabbi kept making everyone in the room finish their entire glass of wine each cup. We ended up going through 4 bottles of wine just between us girls! When we stood up, we were like uhh..not supposed to be drunk at a seder! They were giving us wine that was 11.5% alc. very crazy! People were singing and dancing, even the rabbi got up on a chair and danced a bit!
The coolest thing about the seder was that the rabbi goes "just think, you are in australia...you are the first people in the world to celebrate the seder and welcome in Elijah." :) such a wild thing to think about!!
The other thing I thought was weird was that I expected a very long seder lasting into the wee hours of the morning. However I got something completely different, an hour long seder followed by the meal and singing. It was really nice to be able to follow along and hear the Rabbi and sing along as well, but I have to say I was relieved that it didn't last for hours! The meal was decent too, we were quite full after! We had meat pies for the main meal! It was brisket meat in a meat pie! We also had shmurah matzah and Israeli salad and of course they served plates of beets...Aussies love their beets!
The other thing I thought was weird was that I expected a very long seder lasting into the wee hours of the morning. However I got something completely different, an hour long seder followed by the meal and singing. It was really nice to be able to follow along and hear the Rabbi and sing along as well, but I have to say I was relieved that it didn't last for hours! The meal was decent too, we were quite full after! We had meat pies for the main meal! It was brisket meat in a meat pie! We also had shmurah matzah and Israeli salad and of course they served plates of beets...Aussies love their beets!
I also found out that the Rabbi comes to my campus every Monday for discussion groups and told us we can give him our numbers and he will meet up with us. It was also cool to meet some other Jewish students studying here at Griffith since I felt I was lacking that. I didn't really know what to expect for the student scene but the Rabbi helped break the ice, made fun of all of us a bit and it was nice. The whole thing was much more laid back than I had expected and no one was as covered (elbows and knees) as I had thought it would be. We sang alot too and instead of parsley we dipped onion into salt water (I don't recommend that)! The big thing I missed though was Daddy's horseradish! The horseradish here was gross and even though the haroset was pretty good, it didn't make up for it! There were eggs and gefilte fish and everything too though.I am thinking I am going to skip my lecture tomorrow night and go to the second seder at the Chabad.
Whether I get to go tomorrow night or not I had a great time tonight. I really, really, really am glad I went and got to experience this. I think it'll be one of those stories I tell for a long time to come!
Let the crew of usuals know they have competition for who has a better seder though ;)
Chag Sameach to all of my Jews throughout the world, a happy and a healthy!
xoxo hugs and kisses!